Media Strategy Plan

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Media Strategy Plan:

The mankind have used the existing natural resources in such a way that it damaged the Earths stable habitat, it’s the responsibility of present generations to at least use them with proper appropriation so that our future generations will not suffer.
1. Specific: I will become a well-known expert in the field of renewables.
2. Measurable: I will be successful if I would become invitee of the latest happening events in the Industry.
3. Attainable: I will reach the goal with inculcating the dream in people who are working with me as we know that collective contribution makes it attainable
4. Relevant: Establishing myself as a consultant heading a firm for one stop solution related to renewables industry.
5. Time-Based: I want to achieve the objects in a phased manner.
Overall goal
1. Continue to support/enhance programs that drive India’s Renewable adoption, energy efficiency and conservation, EV adoption.
·         Solar Firms
·         Wind Firms
·         Biomass/Small Hydro
·         Energy Intensive Industries
To show India’s commitments globally and make India best place to live for future generations.

Platforms and tools
·         Engineering Team
·         Policy Support from Government
·         Awareness Camps for general public
Resources and requirements
·         Build & manage App.
·         Partner Relationships.
·         Socially active personnel
·         Build & manage Swapping Stations.
·         Looking towards new Customers.
·         Overall Development
·         Sponsoring some domain events.
·         Data center (HO) development.
Track Progress
Success of any strategy should be measured in such a way that the metric should be even understood to the helping staff of the organization/firm and also to the general public.
Review Performance
Linking appraisal to the performance/ results of the employees. As it is a collective goal the metrics would be different to each and every individual type of job.

Taking the feedback from the consumers who approach the firm.
Appointing a third party to check the success of the plan.
Conducting regular meetings with the agencies which we have appointed.
Work plan
Budget: 20% of Total Investment phased increment in later years
First year breakup:
APP: 20%, Magazine Advertising/Industry specific events Advertising: 50%, Awareness camps: 15%, Rest all: 15%

Dividing the year into two or three segments where the investment probabilities of investors is high.

Vendors & Colleagues:
Software Team, Third party inspection Teams, Government Agencies, Domain Associations/Unions etc., Financial Institutions



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